Saturday, February 7, 2015

ALYOF - Feb '15 Goal

January - gone already! WOW!

The kids have gone back to school and where I should be able to finally sit and relax, it seems that I have more on then ever with Mummy Duties, Paperwork for my Joey Scout Leader role, studying for my Cert 3 in Business and also a Cert 3 in Leadership - PLUS - I have just booked my spot in a local handmade market coming up at the end of March! I really really need to get my head down and bum up if I plan to get all of this done!

My main goal for Feb is a bit (well actually a lot) of a secret squirrel project. 
But I can tell you.......

Goal #1 -  involves these two fabrics and another colour which isn't in the photo. Yep that is a whole roll of black Homespun there - all 15 mtrs of it! Watch this space closely for its unveiling at the end of the month!

The following two projects are something for me to do whilst watching an episode or two of Charmed, which at the moment is the way I have been chilling out - watching and stitching at the same time.

Goal #2 - so it is another block of Mum's Everyday Angels quilt - this one will need the block sewn together, the pieces traced onto visofex, cut out and ironed on before I can sit and sew. This is the third last block for the quilt. YAY! It is also a simple one this month, which I am looking forward too.

Goal #3 - This one - is just pure heavenly ME indulgence. Yep - you are seeing correctly I have jumped on the Hazel Hedgehog band wagon which is gracing the net at the moment. I am a little dissapointed that it isn't paper pieced, as I adore PP - so I ended up buying both patterns and I am going to start with the biggest sizing and work my way down the block sizes until I can make the small hedgie blocks with ease. 

Wish me a tonne load of luck and patience as I madly try to get this all done and in the smallest month of the year too - yep it's official - I am just super plain crazy!

Linking up with Fiber of All Sorts and Sew My Stash 2015!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday Stash - #3 2015

I can't believe that Sunday Stash is here again - and really two Sunday Stashs' since I missed last weekend as I was at a 21st and away from my computer. Honestly the last two weeks in January have just flown by.

I grabbed a Frixion pen when I was in Woolworths the other week - I have read many blogs and FB posts of people swearing by how good these are, so whilst they were only $2.00 I grabbed myself one. I figured at that price if it doesn't work on my fabric - at least I still have a pen to write with.

I know I know - some NEW fabric - which shouldn't be so, but...... the pink is intended to make a Hazel the Hedgehog that is currently doing the rounds in blogland. I think she is very very cute and Miss Moo went nuts when she saw her. I am hoping to participate in the QAL that is happening if I can spare some time.
 As for the Aqua and the red - they are for a string quilt that I have been wanting to make for ages now. This was the very first block that I made for a Quilting Bee that I was apart off and ever since then I have been slowly collecting scrap bits here and there.

Did you know that Big W sells fabric???? It really is a case of pot luck though - but last week I was able to pick up a cute FQ of some Melly & Me fabric, as well as a Meter piece of some aqua for the string quilt. My kids think I am nuts whenever I go as not only do I go through each and every one - but I put them all back in their right colour bays from lightest to darkest! 

My birthday present last year from my MIL was a subscription to the Handmade magazine - so it is always lovely to receive some nice mail for a change. And it also makes me feel less guilty about buying two magazines a month.

Anyway, as usual linking up to the Sunday Stash over at Molli Sparkles.